Every state school in New Zealand has a Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ). These zones have existed for a number of years and are used to calculate what school transport assistance an eligible child may be entitled to, in order to get to school. TEZ’s are generally determined by measuring the geographical mid-point between schools that offer the same year level education.
School transport entitlements are based on assisting a child to attend their nearest school. If parents choose to send their child to a school other than the nearest school then the caregiver is responsible for the additional cost. School transport assistance is designed to help caregivers with students who, because of distance or lack of state transport services, do not have ready access to transport to and from the nearest school. There is no entitlement to a door-to-door transport service for any child attending a state school. This includes state integrated schools. School Transport Assistance for eligible students may be provided by way of a school bus service or by way of an allowance. In Mid Canterbury, school buses operate to each school.
Special education students may receive transport assistance. If a special education student cannot safely use the school bus service, the type of assistance provided to eligible students is determined by considering the special educational needs of the student, the school attended and the availability of places on existing school transport routes. For further details, please contact your school.
Does your child attend their nearest school?
Does your child live more than 3.2 kilometres (if under 10) or more than 4.8 kilometres (if 10 or over) from the nearest school?
If there are no suitable public passenger services and the answer to either question is yes, then your child may beeligible for School Transport Assistance. Your nearest school will be able to advise you of the bus route and timetable for their school.
Does your child live more than 3.2 kilometres (if under 10) or more than 4.8 kilometres (if 10 or over) from your nearest school and there is no public transport available?
If the answer to this question is yes, then your child may be eligible for transport assistance to your chosen school BUT ONLY from the boundary of and within the TEZ of the school at which they are enrolled. You will be responsible for transporting your child to the boundary of the TEZ for your chosen school. Alternative arrangements may sometimes be made, however, you or your chosen school is responsible for making any special arrangements for your child. Any special arrangements must be in place, and the school must obtain the agreement of the Ministry agent and the school bus operator, before your child can be put on a bus that goes through the TEZ of any other school or schools. You will be required to meet the costs of any school transport assistance provided by your chosen school that is outside their TEZ.
The Ministry of Education has a range of useful fact sheets about the provision of school transport. These are available on the Ministry’s school transport Included is Fact Sheet 2: “What if a student doesn’t attend the nearest school?”
Parents are required to enrol their children for the bus service via the Mid Canterbury School Transport website: prior to using the School Bus service.
To ensure safety of children, and changes of plans for bus children must come from the child's parents, preferably by note or phoning prior to 3pm. All bus pupils are issued with safety vests which must be worn when travelling on the bus. As much as possible an effort is made to follow the daily timetable for the collection and delivery of the children. Responsible bus monitors are appointed from the senior children. They are to assist with bus behaviour and are expected to set a good example. The bus controller is Neil Simons.
Every state school in New Zealand has a Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ). These zones have existed for a number of years and are used to calculate what school transport assistance an eligible child may be entitled to, in order to get to school. TEZ’s are generally determined by measuring the geographical mid-point between schools that offer the same year level education.
School transport entitlements are based on assisting a child to attend their nearest school. If parents choose to send their child to a school other than the nearest school then the caregiver is responsible for the additional cost. School transport assistance is designed to help caregivers with students who, because of distance or lack of state transport services, do not have ready access to transport to and from the nearest school. There is no entitlement to a door-to-door transport service for any child attending a state school. This includes state integrated schools. School Transport Assistance for eligible students may be provided by way of a school bus service or by way of an allowance. In Mid Canterbury, school buses operate to each school.
Special education students may receive transport assistance. If a special education student cannot safely use the school bus service, the type of assistance provided to eligible students is determined by considering the special educational needs of the student, the school attended and the availability of places on existing school transport routes. For further details, please contact your school.
Does your child attend their nearest school?
Does your child live more than 3.2 kilometres (if under 10) or more than 4.8 kilometres (if 10 or over) from the nearest school?
If there are no suitable public passenger services and the answer to either question is yes, then your child may beeligible for School Transport Assistance. Your nearest school will be able to advise you of the bus route and timetable for their school.
Does your child live more than 3.2 kilometres (if under 10) or more than 4.8 kilometres (if 10 or over) from your nearest school and there is no public transport available?
If the answer to this question is yes, then your child may be eligible for transport assistance to your chosen school BUT ONLY from the boundary of and within the TEZ of the school at which they are enrolled. You will be responsible for transporting your child to the boundary of the TEZ for your chosen school. Alternative arrangements may sometimes be made, however, you or your chosen school is responsible for making any special arrangements for your child. Any special arrangements must be in place, and the school must obtain the agreement of the Ministry agent and the school bus operator, before your child can be put on a bus that goes through the TEZ of any other school or schools. You will be required to meet the costs of any school transport assistance provided by your chosen school that is outside their TEZ.
The Ministry of Education has a range of useful fact sheets about the provision of school transport. These are available on the Ministry’s school transport Included is Fact Sheet 2: “What if a student doesn’t attend the nearest school?”
Parents are required to enrol their children for the bus service via the Mid Canterbury School Transport website: prior to using the School Bus service.
To ensure safety of children, and changes of plans for bus children must come from the child's parents, preferably by note or phoning prior to 3pm. All bus pupils are issued with safety vests which must be worn when travelling on the bus. As much as possible an effort is made to follow the daily timetable for the collection and delivery of the children. Responsible bus monitors are appointed from the senior children. They are to assist with bus behaviour and are expected to set a good example. The bus controller is Neil Simons.